Action 17
Advocate for drinking water affordability through equitable utility pricing, CalFresh/EBT water supplements, reducing obstacles to lifeline rates and water-efficient appliance subsidies.
Advocate for drinking water affordability through equitable utility pricing, CalFresh/EBT water supplements, reducing obstacles to lifeline rates and water-efficient appliance subsidies.
Complete an assessment of the region's drinking water systems to identify resiliency to drought and shocks, as well as risk of water quality issues due to aging infrastructure, deferred maintenance, etc.
Develop a program to map, monitor, address, and alert the public to drinking water quality issues that originate from on-site and systemic plumbing issues, incorporating reporting from water agencies as well as crowdsourcing.
Collaborate with partners to expand lead testing of drinking water in schools and daycare facilities.
Identify and implement policies to establish reporting of secondary maximum contaminant level violations in public drinking water systems.
Provide support for small water systems to access State financing mechanisms, and advocate for development of new financing mechanisms to repair water infrastructure and/or incentives for consolidation, and ensure rates are kept affordable.
Advocate for the development of a low interest financing mechanism for property owners to replace leaky, corroded, and/or unsafe pipes and fixtures.
Increase resources such as drinking water fountains, filling stations, bathrooms, showers, kitchens, and laundry facilities in parks and public spaces that can be activated to support community resilience during emergencies.
Conduct a countywide climate vulnerability assessment that addresses social vulnerability and use it to guide priorities for investments in public health preparedness, emergency preparedness and response planning, and community resiliency.
Conduct a countywide climate vulnerability assessment that addresses physical infrastructure vulnerability and use it to guide priorities for investments in building upgrades, infrastructure improvements, and zoning and code changes.