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Resilient and healthy community environments where residents thrive in place
Buildings and infrastructure that support human health and resilience
Equitable and sustainable land use and development without displacement
A prosperous LA County that provides opportunities for all residents and businesses and supports the transition to a green economy
Thriving ecosystems, habitats, and biodiversity
Accessible parks, beaches, recreational waters, public lands, and public spaces that create opportunities for respite, recreation, ecological discovery, and cultural activities
A fossil fuel-free LA County
A convenient, safe, clean, and affordable transportation system that enhances mobility and quality of life while reducing car dependency
Sustainable production and consumption of resources
A sustainable and just food system that enhances access to affordable, local, and healthy food
Inclusive, transparent, and accountable governance that encourages participation in sustainability efforts, especially by disempowered communities
A commitment to realize OurCounty sustainability goals through creative, equitable, and coordinated funding and partnerships
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