Action 6
Consider and prioritize recommendations from Metro's Countywide Strategic Truck Arterial Network (CSTAN) that minimize emissions exposure for vulnerable populations through County planning efforts.
Consider and prioritize recommendations from Metro's Countywide Strategic Truck Arterial Network (CSTAN) that minimize emissions exposure for vulnerable populations through County planning efforts.
Partner with local and regional agencies along key freight corridors, as well as with private freight movers, to implement 'green goods movement' technologies, such as medium- and he avy-duty zero emission vehicle infrastructure, through initiatives like Metro's I-710 Corridor Project or use of County properties for refueling.
Identify and implement best practices to preserve and increase the amount of affordable housing proximate to job centers, transit, parks, and open space amenities.
Conduct a countywide climate vulnerability assessment that addresses social vulnerability and use it to guide priorities for investments in public health preparedness, emergency preparedness and response planning, and community resiliency.
Conduct a countywide climate vulnerability assessment that addresses physical infrastructure vulnerability and use it to guide priorities for investments in building upgrades, infrastructure improvements, and zoning and code changes.
Build shade structures at major transit stops, such as those identified in Metro's Active Transportation Strategic Plan, prioritizing communities with high heat vulnerability.
Develop land use tools that will facilitate increased production of various housing types such as duplex and triplex buildings, where appropriate.
Evaluate the feasibility of establishing a County brownfields program.
Expand the number and extent of transit oriented communities while ensuring that vital public amenities such as parks and active transportation infrastructure are included.
Create an inventory of all publicly-owned land and facilities (belonging to the County and other jurisdictions) near existing and future public transit and identify opportunities for transit-oriented development.