Action 1
Limit siting of new sensitive uses, such as playgrounds, daycare centers, schools, residences, or medical facilities, at least 500 feet from freeways.
Limit siting of new sensitive uses, such as playgrounds, daycare centers, schools, residences, or medical facilities, at least 500 feet from freeways.
Expand the minimum setback distance for oil and gas operations from sensitive land uses.
Conduct an inventory to identify all abandoned/idled oil and gas infrastructure in LA County, and work with DOGGR to develop and implement a closure plan, prioritized by condition and proximity to sensitive populations, that includes identification of potential funding sources.
Require oil and gas facility operators to prepare and make available to the public a comprehensive Community Safety Plan, in coordination with County departments, including Fire, Public Works, and Law Enforcement.
Expand the role and authority for DPH in the initial permitting process, and the ongoing enforcement of regulations for industrial facilities.
Utilize fenceline and community air monitoring data to improve emissions regulations on refineries and other industrial facilities, and expand enforcement resources for these regulations.
Partner with AQMD to monitor air quality in the vicinity of schools and identify measures to reduce pollution exposure.
Advocate for drinking water affordability through equitable utility pricing, CalFresh/EBT water supplements, reducing obstacles to lifeline rates and water-efficient appliance subsidies.
Complete an assessment of the region's drinking water systems to identify resiliency to drought and shocks, as well as risk of water quality issues due to aging infrastructure, deferred maintenance, etc.
Develop a program to map, monitor, address, and alert the public to drinking water quality issues that originate from on-site and systemic plumbing issues, incorporating reporting from water agencies as well as crowdsourcing.