
Goal 8

A convenient, safe, clean, and affordable transportation system that enhances mobility and quality of life while reducing car dependency

A modern transportation system provides residents of all ages and abilities access to reliable, safe, affordable, and varied mobility choices that reduce pollution. A well-functioning transportation system gets residents to their destinations while lowering air, water, and climate pollution and providing a cleaner environment for all.

For decades, government and other institutions both nationally and locally have prioritized private vehicle travel at the expense of other modes. Today, automobile infrastructure dominates the built environment. Most County residents take trips in private vehicles, emitting vast quantities of harmful pollutants into the air.

By developing programs that focus on reducing the number of miles people travel in private vehicles, the County will help people choose alternatives to single-occupancy vehicles. These programs will expand residents’ mobility, including those residents whose limited automobile access translates to stifled economic opportunity.

The County will also formalize its recognition of public transit as the most efficient way to move people. Transit will be the backbone of the transportation system while other modes and new technologies will support a reduction in vehicle miles traveled. These include walking, biking, e-scooters, and zero-emission car-share service.



How will we work towards achieving this goal?

Strategy 8A

Reduce vehicle miles traveled by prioritizing alternatives to single occupancy vehicles

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Strategy 8B

Improve transportation health and safety outcomes

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