Parks, public lands and public spaces are important amenities for neighborhoods and can serve as gathering places for the entire community. Public lands may be located in areas of special significance to Native American and indigenous communities for their traditional practices. Gathering places can help build social connectedness, which improves a community's ability to deal with disasters and its overall resilience. These
spaces can also serve as refuge during disasters.
It is critical that all of LA County's population is within range of a park, beach, recreational space, public land, or public space. Not only must these areas be accessible to everyone, but they must be well maintained and
safe for our communities. OurCounty actions intend to grow and improve these assets and expand access to parks, public lands, and public spaces.
49% of residents lived within half a mile of a park or open space as of 2018. (LA Countywide Comprehensive Parks & Recreation Needs Assessment)
Increase to 65% the proportion of residents within half a mile of parks and open space
Increase to 75% the proportion of residents within half a mile of parks and open space
Increase to 85% the proportion of residents within half a mile of parks and open space