The County can address economic inequality by leveraging sustainability projects to increase access to family-sustaining jobs, and by pursuing innovative policy solutions to build wealth in historically impacted
Economic equity is inextricably linked to sustainability and resilience, as lack of access to economic opportunity strains health, prosperity, and quality of life. Low-income communities are often the least financially
equipped to handle the effects of a changing climate such as fires and floods, and end up suffering the most.
Our efforts to reverse these trends will help to improve economic mobility and opportunities throughout the region.
The proportion of LA County residents below the California poverty line (about $31,000 per year for a family of four) is estimated to be 24.3% higher than any other county in the state. (Public Policy Institute of California)
Increase to 80% the proportion of residents living above the California poverty line
Increase to 85% the proportion of residents living above the California poverty line
Increase to 90% the proportion of residents living above the California poverty line